90 Day Fiancé alumni Paul and Karine Staehle’s home in Brazil was “severely burglarized.” The couple documented all of the damage and revealed how much was taken from them via Instagram, showing off pictures of empty shelves and the mess left behind. Though they are shaken up, the couple reveals that they are safe.

Cameras have been documenting this couple’s journey since 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days in seasons 1 and 2 where fans watched Karine and Paul meet for the first time in her hometown in Brazil, along with their explosive drama before the wedding and Karine suffering a heartbreaking miscarriage. Karine and Paul were recently on the first season of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, when Karine was pregnant and unable to get a visa for her to come to the states; and the couple’s only option is for Paul to go to Brazil and live with Karine and wait for the birth of their son. However, a lot has changed since the end of the season, their son Pierre was born and the two have become parents. The 90 Day Fiancé couple has also reportedly moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where Paul is from, so they could be close to his family.

Since packing up and leaving for Kentucky, it seems the pair have left their apartment in Manaus, Brazil empty. According to Paul, unidentified robbers took advantage of the couple being away and ransacked the place. Paul showed pictures of the damage. In the series of pictures Paul posted to Instagram, it shows a nearly empty closet and shelves, missing furniture, and an empty wall where their television was mounted. Check out Paul’s Instagram post below:

Paul captioned the devastation with, “I discovered today that our home was severely burglarized in Manaus…” The 90 Day Fiancé star continued, “They entered my balcony door and took everything of value.” Paul revealed that not only did they take the valuables, they also stole personal items that had sentimental value. He explained that they took everything, “even Karine stuffed animal collection” as well as his belongings, “Pierre’s stuff [and] Karine’s stuff.” Paul was definitely shook up and wrote, “I am devastated.” Paul’s mother, Mary Staehle, commented on her son’s post, saying that the most important thing is that he and his family are OK. She wrote, “Material things can be replaced,” and reminded her son that sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Though it’s extremely devastating for their family to lose all of their personal belongings, it seems that they are remaining grateful that everyone is safe. Even though Paul and Karine are still working out the kinks in their relationship, it seems that they’re on the right track and working through the hard times together.

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90 Day Fiancé airs Sundays at 8 pm EST on TLC.

Source: Paul Staehle