5G conspiracy theorists have been around as long as the technology, but it’s only recently that they’ve decided to up their game by setting fire to 5G masts. Their, uh, reason? They believe 5G causes the coronavirus …

I promise I’m not making this up: there really are people that stupid.

You might have thought a worldwide pandemic would be enough drama without the need to invent wild and whacky theories just for the attention. Anti-vaxxers, for example, seem pretty darned quiet now that they’ve been given a practical demonstration of life without just one vaccine.

But nope: the people who think 5G does everything from control minds to zap birds from the sky have now decided it also causes the coronavirus.

The BBC reports that at least three masts have been set on fire.

Not all have been officially confirmed as arson, but there have been calls by conspiracy nuts to do just this, so it seems the most likely bet.

A video, allegedly of the blaze in Aigburth, was shared on YouTube and Facebook, claiming a link between the mobile technology and Covid-19 […]

Merseyside Police said an investigation is under way after the telecommunications box in Aigburth caught fire on Friday. A video of what appears to be the incident, which happened shortly after 22:00 BST, was shared on YouTube […]

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service said it is also investigating a blaze it extinguished at a 5G mast in the village of Melling, north of Liverpool, on Friday night.

West Midlands Fire Service said the fire in Birmingham involved a 70ft tower on a telecommunications site.

The Verge notes that the four main UK carriers have all issued a joint statement, politely asking people not to do this, and calling for help in reporting such incidents to the police, as well as challenging disinformation posted on social media.

YouTube is doing its best to help by removing videos promoting this nonsense.

Sadly, we have experienced cases of vandals setting fire to mobile masts, disrupting critical infrastructure and spreading false information suggesting a connection between 5G and the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no scientific evidence of any link between 5G and coronavirus. […]

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