Two of the more memorable shows of the last ten years that have served to change people’s perspectives over the thin line between law and criminal activity are FX’s Sons of Anarchy and the BBC’s Peaky Blinders. While they take place in different countries and eras both have a common thread of relating criminals and their activities into a more real-world light, blurring the lines between right and wrong.

Both have a main cast that carries each series, along with each having a face of the franchise that is recognizable and liked by the majority of viewers. So what exactly separates the two? What makes one more timeless than the other?

Peaky Blinders: Better Cliffhangers

What is undeniable about Peaky Blinders is it knows how to get people to tune in next season. None of the season finale’s sought to tie up loose ends, instead, the show would rather blow up everything fans thought they knew and leave them an entire year to contemplate how the directors were going to put it back together. This level of intrigue keeps fans guessing and wondering if their favorite characters will survive till next season. Peaky Blinders doesn’t have to kill main characters off, they just have to keep making fans believe it is a possibility.

Sons Of Anarchy: Better Brotherhood

One thing that comes off as hollow in Peaky Blinders is the brotherhood between the actual brothers. Thomas takes the lead and the others follow. While in Sons of Anarchy, every member seems to have a say as to what goes on in the club. It not only preaches brotherhood but demonstrates it in a very real way that is believable to those watching. Whether it was Clay or Jax at the head of the table, neither dominated over others in the club, making it feel like a sense of equality truly existed.

Peaky Blinders: Shows The Plight Of The Common Man

Sons of Anarchy never really fleshes out the personal reasons for why the main characters choose this way of life. Peaky Blinders, on the other hand, shows viewers the economic situation and atmosphere in England at that time.

Allowing viewers to see how good men could become so desperate to seek out a life of crime, instead, of just being bad apples from the beginning. It isn’t brotherhood that joins members in the Peaky Blinders gang together, instead it is a common goal for survival. This blurring the line between good and evil makes for more believable characters.

Sons Of Anarchy: Realistic Criminal Activity

Sons of Anarchy not only deals with real-world problems when it comes to violence and drugs, but it also seeks to create a narrative that resembles something that fans see on the nightly news. SOA has diversified its sales in drugs and gun-running towards the fluctuating market around them. It isn’t just a show about one form of illegal activity, but an array on multiple fronts of problems that everyday America faces. The complexities in their line of work are not solved by some half-baked made for television scheme, but by real-world economics.

Peaky Blinders: Better Soundtrack

No one does slow-motion walks better than characters on Peaky Blinders as they casually walk away from explosions happening in the background. Add that with a killer soundtrack and you have some beautiful scenes. While most shows deliver the same one theme song for each episode, Peaky Blinders goes through a number of songs each episode that fits with what is going on around them. Its soundtrack is just as gritty as the characters and lifestyles onscreen. Making it more than just songs but soundtracks to individual characters’ lives. The songs alone make the show worth watching.

Sons Of Anarchy: Takes Violence Up A Notch

When it comes to memorable violent scenes, Peaky Blinders is bland compared to Sons of Anarchy. Some of the most brutal deaths to ever be seen on viewer’s television screens have taken place on this show.

It isn’t just random background characters that meet grisly fates but main characters we have watched for years and care about. Some deaths such as Tig’s daughter being burned alive or Tara being stabbed in the back of the head with a carving fork, are just unforgettable. Yet, these deaths are so memorable they will be talked about for years to come.

Peaky Blinders: Character Progressions

Peaky Blinders does a great job of not just showing character progression on an individual basis from episode to episode but showing the progression of the characters as they grow older causing life priorities to change. Thomas is the best example of this as at first, he is content with controlling Peaky Blinders territory and roughing up rival gangs, to starting a family and wanting to handle business in a less volatile environment. His whole mindset turned from just thinking about the bottom line, to thinking about what his legacy will be in the eyes of his children.

Sons Of Anarchy: Organizational Structure Of The Gang

The Sons of Anarchy were not just a single group of bikers but, instead, were one charter out of possibly hundreds that span across national borders. The sheer complexity of how each charter handles business in different political and financial environments in different ways, while at the same time being unified as an international body with rules and laws that must be abided by is remarkable. The structure that has to be implemented for an organization like this to even try to exist has to resemble something closer to a political party than a simple biker gang.

Peaky Blinders: Strong Antagonists

While Sons of Anarchy dealt with rival gangs or the occasional rogue white supremacist group, Peaky Blinders has had villains that create almost insurmountable odds for our protagonists to overcome. The Italian Mafia, IRA, and even the British Parliament have been antagonists in Peaky Blinders at one time or another.

When Thomas Shelby and his gang go toe-to-toe with rivals, those rivals are behemoths in their world, making them the clear underdogs each season. The fight is never to just overcome the odds but, instead, the struggle to just get to fight on an even playing field.

Sons Of Anarchy: Relationship Building

While Thomas and Arthur Shelby have had relationships, some more serious than others on Peaky Blinders. None really had that emotional value to fans that the relationships between friends and lovers on Sons of Anarchy have had. Whether it be the gang’s brotherhood and their willingness to risk life and limb for each other or the more intimate relationships that fans became invested in. The sentimentality and progression in the relationships on the show felt real and when they ended the fans mourned just as much as the characters onscreen did.