The future is one big unknown. Film directors know this very well which leaves them a lot of open space and possibilities to create the most frightening or peaceful futures possible in their movies. Some of these futures are something nobody would want to experience, whether because humanity has to face a horrible enemy or because life, in general, seems bleak.

Others, on the other hand, look like something you could enjoy living in because you’d have a lot of perks and options you don’t get today. Let’s look at 5 sci-fi futures which could have been amazing and 5 you should be glad didn’t happen.

Happy: 2001: A Space Odyssey

The future presented in this film should have happened 19 years ago but it, fortunately, didn’t. Some aspects of it would be positive, like a much more advanced space flight which would allow humanity to explore space in greater detail. But the positive things end there.

If the film was correct, the Soviet Union would still be at its power, trapping thousands of people inside it. But by far the worst option is the artificial intelligence HAL 9000 which can’t make an error and can converse with people freely. Unfortunately, it also decides to kill everybody in the crew, so it’s better this future turned out to be fictional.

Sad: Back to the Future

This future society is probably the most optimistic one on this list and many fans of the comedic sci-fi franchise are still hoping it will happen sooner or later. At one point in the story, Marty McFly travels into the year 2015 which is a thirty-years distant future for him.

He finds out that the future contains a lot of useful perks which would definitely come in handy in real life, such as shoes that automatically self-lace themselves (great news for lazy people or those with painful backs) and Hoverboards which allow you to freely… well, hover around. But by far the best invention which didn’t happen are flying cars.

Happy: Robocop

Unlike some other movies on this list, Robocop doesn’t specify the exact year in which it takes place but it’s supposedly set sometime in the early 21st century. The society of this future is far from perfect since it’s greatly divided and the center of the city is full of criminals. The grim vision of the future wouldn’t be complete without an evil corporation named Omni Consumer Products (OCP) which is planning to turn the city into a much more perfect one, a paradise on Earth.

But to do that, they need to get rid of all the criminal elements first. Enter the Robocop, a blend of man and machine, which is something today’s society also isn’t capable of doing, and perhaps it’s for the best.

Sad: Escape from Mars

While Escape from Mars is only a TV film, it still deserves a spot on our list. The film premiered in 1999 and took place in 2015. It portrays the first man manned mission on Mars which is no easy task for the astronauts who undertake it. The journey to Mars puts deep pressure on their minds and it remains up to them to deal with it.

The film shows a future in which humanity is far ahead when it comes to space exploration. It’s a shame it didn’t happen because people traveling to Mars would be one of the most significant events of the early 21st century… especially if you’re interested in space and its exploration.

Happy: I Am Legend

The year 2012 was a favorite amongst grim depictions of the future. Not only did the viewers get 2012 (2009) in which an end of the world is happening, but it got destroyed more than once. In I Am Legend, approximately ninety percent of all people die, and those are the lucky ones.

Nine percent turn into mutants who only go out at night and only the remaining one percent stays the same. The main hero hasn’t met another soul for three years if you don’t count his dog, and that’s something nobody would want to go through, even if they don’t like the company of others very much.

Sad: Freejack

Society in this film still hasn’t got rid of criminality but it has one extra perk which makes it fascinating. The main hero travels in time to November 2009 and finds out that time travel is now common among people. Available time travel could bring a lot to society, provide it with new knowledge both about science and history.

However, as always, it’s not about the possibility itself, it’s about what people do with it. In Freejack, criminals use time travel to kidnap victims and harvest organs from them. That’s much less positive outcome but still, being able to travel through time would be awesome.

Happy: The Terminator

The Terminator has become one of the most popular sci-fi film franchises since the release of the first film in 1984. It predicted that in 1997 a Judgement day would happen and humanity would begin fighting machines in a desperate war which would result in the death of millions.

Then the Judgement day got pushed further into the future and it’s our deepest wish that it never really happens. The Terminator is a great franchise because even though it shows a bleak future, it also offers a lot of hope to both its heroes and the viewers. And let’s face it - there are worse ways to go than fighting against Arnold Schwarzenegger (or alongside him).

Sad: Futureworld

Futureworld premiered in 1976 and it showed the viewers what the year 1985 will look like. The concept of the film is tempting since it works with amusement parks which offer a unique experience - the chance to interact with friendly robots who are very similar to people.

Or, at least they used to be friendly until something went wrong and they started killing the park’s visitors. This unfortunate incident aside, if parks like these existed today and were well controlled, it would be an amazing way how to spend a free afternoon, have fun and maybe even learn something new, so why not give it a shot?

Happy: 1984

Unlike The Terminator, there’s no hope in this world. Its citizens live in a society that monitors their every thought and it can make anybody disappear at the slightest sign of a protest or disagreement. Plus, it’s incredibly bleak, looks unfulfilling and you’re punished if you love someone you’re not supposed to.

If that wasn’t enough, the people on top alter the past to fit their purposes and the society contains very little joy if any. The film’s main hero fights against the system but despite all of his efforts ends up assimilated back it in and brainwashed. George Orwell published his novel in 1948 and it still feels painfully real even today.

Sad: Star Trek

While you might find it strange that Star Trek is on this list since it mostly takes place in the future, the various Star Trek crews have also traveled to the past at one point or another, such as when Kirk, Spock, and others went to the 1980s or the 1930s.

The Vulcans have also managed to travel to Earth in the 1950s and one of them even stayed here, so if this happened in reality, there could be half-Vulcan, half-human children running around. The best of the Star Trek’s future which sends out the message of tolerance and peace is still further ahead, though.