The Marvel Cinematic Universe just wrapped up its first saga, the 23-part Infinity Saga, and the studio is wasting no time in entering into its next, as-yet-untitled saga. Exactly which character was the star of the Infinity Saga is debatable – Tony Stark provided its emotional core, while Steve Rogers was the leader of the Avengers – but one thing is clear: the MCU’s next saga will need a new star. With Tony and Steve retired from the franchise, the burden of leading the MCU from Phase 4 onwards will fall to either Black Panther or Captain Marvel.

So, here are 5 reasons that Black Panther should lead the MCU’s next saga, and five reasons why it should be Captain Marvel).

Black Panther: He’s a born leader

Naturally, whoever leads the next saga in the MCU will need to be a strong leader. As the son of a king, T’Challa was born to be a leader, so taking over the Avengers and the MCU would be a logical step for him. T’Challa is a lot like Steve Rogers, who arguably led the Infinity Saga and was similarly a born leader, which might have contributed to why the two became such good friends throughout Phase 3.

On the other hand, Tony Stark wasn’t a born leader, and many Marvel fans would say that he was the star of the Infinity Saga, not Steve, so maybe it’s not essential.

Captain Marvel: She was less integral than T’Challa in the Infinity Saga

Since she only just got her origin story on the back end of the Infinity Saga and only appeared briefly in Avengers: Endgame to give the original six members of the team one last chance to shine in their big finale, Carol Danvers is a relatively fresh face in the MCU. The Infinity Saga wouldn’t be all that different without her. T’Challa, on the other hand, played a very important role in the Infinity Saga.

From his first appearance in Captain America: Civil War to his protection of the Vision in Avengers: Infinity War to being the first hero out of the portals in Avengers: Endgame, Black Panther was one of the stars of the Infinity Saga, so it would make more sense to give Carol the bigger role going forward.

Black Panther: He’s always on Earth

Captain Marvel’s attendance in the MCU was established as pretty spotty in Avengers: Endgame, with the flimsy excuse given that she’s off on other planets, helping alien races who don’t have an Avengers team to protect them. But T’Challa is the monarch of a nation on Earth, so he won’t be galivanting off into outer space any time soon.

Black Panther has gone cosmic in the comics in the past couple of years, but that’s a very recent change to the character. Traditionally, he’s been Earth-bound, just like Iron Man and Captain America. Earth’s mightiest heroes need a mighty hero from Earth to lead them.

Captain Marvel: She would allow the MCU to extend its cosmic side

The Infinity Saga focused heavily on Earth-based stories with a couple of dalliances into the cosmic side of things, and it looks as though the next stage of the MCU will be focusing more on the mystical side of things (Shang-Chi, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, the multiverse etc.) and the cosmic side of things (the Eternals, more Waititi-helmed Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy etc.).

As the self-appointed protector of the universe, Carol Danvers would be the perfect character to lead the MCU into a more expansive cosmic presence. She’s dedicated herself to aiding any planet or race that’s in danger.

Black Panther: Fans want to see more of Wakanda

The MCU has always been renowned for its immersive world-building, but the production design of Wakanda is iconographic. Its Afrofuturistic visual style, pioneered by Black Panther director Ryan Coogler, is not only aesthetically pleasing; it’s also entirely unique. The planets seen in Guardians of the Galaxy are sumptuous and enticing, but planets like that can be found basically anywhere in the science fiction genre.

Wakanda is a world of its own, and Marvel fans are excited to continue revisiting it for years to come. If Black Panther takes over the MCU, then we’ll be heading back to Wakanda more than we already will be.

Captain Marvel: She has a bigger responsibility

Black Panther has plenty of responsibility as the ruler of an entire country that he is guiding into a more progressive and open-minded future. But Carol Danvers has accepted an even bigger responsibility: keeping the entire universe safe from genocidal tyrants like Thanos and oppressive militaries like the Kree Starforce. If Black Panther was going to lead the entire MCU, then Wakanda would become the focus of the whole universe.

If Captain Marvel takes over, then the possibilities for storytelling and world-building will remain endless. With Carol, even the sky isn’t the limit, because she can literally fly through space.

Black Panther: He’s more embedded in the wider MCU

Carol Danvers might be good friends with Nick Fury and pen pals with a couple of Avengers, but she’s pretty much removed from the wider MCU. Black Panther, on the other hand, is embedded in the wider universe. He took in Bucky and got Shuri to de-brainwash him.

He took in the Vision when Thanos was coming and teamed up with Earth’s mightiest heroes to fight off the Black Order. And in the non-superpowered corners of the world, T’Challa is expanding Wakanda’s resources to help less advantaged people. So, it makes more sense to make him the star of the MCU’s future.

Captain Marvel: She’s the MCU’s most powerful hero yet

In the months leading up to Captain Marvel’s debut in the MCU, Marvel continually stressed that she was the most powerful Avenger yet, with power on Thanos’ level, but then in Avengers: Endgame, there was just one little fight between the two and Thanos beat Captain Marvel. This turned out to be more narratively satisfying, since it placed the focus on the original Avengers and gave Tony Stark a chance at closure by being the one to take out the Mad Titan.

But it also made Marvel’s insistence that Carol could defeat Thanos singlehandedly a little confusing and redudant. However, if she takes over the MCU from here, it makes perfect sense – we all know she’s the most powerful hero in the franchise, and that makes her qualified.

Both Black Panther and Captain Marvel’s initial solo outings cracked $1 billion at the worldwide box office, but the former has proven to be a lot more popular among fans than the latter. Obviously, there’s a small subset of the fan base that hates Carol simply because she’s a woman, but going beyond that, her arrogance and condescension towards her fellow heroes seem to have rubbed a lot of impartial fans the wrong way.

T’Challa’s good-hearted nature, his drive to do the right thing, and his refusal to quip have made him both an inspiring superhero and a breath of fresh air.

Captain Marvel: She’s an Avenger

Black Panther has been heavily involved with the Avengers – from joining Iron Man in the fight for the Sokovia Accords to giving Captain America political asylum in Wakanda to battling Thanos with the Avengers not once, but twice – but apart from Cap making him an honorary member on the battlefield in Endgame (“Avengers…assemble!”), he’s not an official member of the team, nor does he seem interested in becoming one.

A character can’t really lead the MCU if they’re not a bona fide member of the Avengers, because the Avengers movies anchor the whole franchise, and Captain Marvel worked closely with the team in Endgame.

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