There have been plenty of fictional series exploring the concepts of heaven and hell, but none have resonated quite in the same way as NBC’s The Good Place. One cameo in the season finale though had us all thinking the same question.

Who else from Parks and Recreation has managed to get into the Good Place? We’re taking a look at 10 of the show’s key characters of the series and working out whether they actually got to pass the test and end up in the Good Place.


Jean Ralphio is often considered one of the most annoying characters in the whole show. Outside of his complete lack of respect for people, the terrible way he treats his own father, his spoiled attitude, and terrible ideas, he also sings most things he says.

He holds all the traits that would have sent him straight to the Bad Place, but we’re not sure that through all the tests that he actually would have been able to make it since his spoiled nature is so entrenched into the core of the character.


Leslie Knope has been heavily implied to be the future president. She’s helped her local community of Pawnee so much and has been a consistently loyal friend. She’s an excellent political and a decent human being. It’s not shocking that she’d make it to the Good Place.

Even without the revised system, she’d probably be one of the few people that actually made it to the Good Place no matter what; she really was that good. It’s therefore completely expected that she’d be trying to go for leadership roles up in the sky.


Much like her brother, Mona-Lisa would really struggle to pass any of these tests. In some ways, she’s actually worse than Jean Ralphio. While her brother manages to make human connections, she seems to fail to do so.

She remains a brat throughout but doesn’t even have the ambition to make something of herself. She hurts so many people as she continues her selfish ways, and we don’t know what it would take to make her realize what a monster she has actually become.


The big shock of the finale was that Ron Swanson actually appeared in the Good Place. While we’re not actually sure if it was Swanson or the actual actor behind the role, but either way, it was a fun nod to the past series and continues to link the two shows together.

Swanson had a very set series of opinions, but he could actually learn as he went, becoming very good friends with Leslie. He was good-hearted at the end of the day, gave some great advice to his peers, and was a very fair and worthy leader.


It may seem strange that we’re suggesting that Tom Haverford might never make it to the Good Place, but there are a few reasons for that. He actually contains many of the characteristics that could send him to the bad place. He’s whiny and greedy.

He’s mistreated his friends in the past, and his business ideas can sometimes get in the way with reality. The problem is that Tom might never recognize these as issues as it mostly worked out for him on Earth. Who knows how long it’ll take before he passed the test.


April Ludgate was a little bit selfish but always honest. She actually could fit right into the Bad Place and yet has all the personality traits to make it easily into the Good Place. She’s more caring than she lets on, and she learns really quickly.

April would probably make it in just from all the people she could help in their careers as a career adviser. She has a big group of supportive friends that she also backs up, and she has such a loyal personality, she probably wouldn’t even have to take the test.


Chris is far too positive. It’s almost as if he belongs in the Good Place, but all of his personality actually points to the Bad Place. His positive energy is too much and turns from infectious to outright annoying for everyone involved.

Again much like Tom, he might not understand how to pass the test. Sure he learns as he goes along with Anne for instance, but would it be enough to get into the Good Place straight away? We’re really not too sure.


One of the biggest shocks of the finale was that Ben Wyatt’s Bad Place doppleganger didn’t turn up for the end of the show. However, Ben himself would find it pretty easy to make his way to the Good Place. He’s been training for it his whole life.

After really messing up as Mayor at such a young age, Ben has been trying to redeem himself ever since. His love for Leslie has been pure, and he’s been doing some really good political work for both the community and his country.


Tammy Swanson is probably one of the most despicable people on this list. She’s selfish and constantly trying to sabotage the life of her ex, Ron Swanson. She has absolutely no problem about the damage she causes trying to get to him.

To be honest, she’s pretty crazy as well, and we can’t see any version of Tammy actually fitting into the Good Place. If the Bad Place still existed in some fashion, she would be straight there.


Andy Dwyer is really too innocent to ever send to the Bad Place. He’s a lot like Jason except without the criminal record. He’s really good-natured and has even had a career entertaining kids.

Since April would make it to the Good Place, Andy is probably just as good and would, therefore, go up right alongside her. He’d pass the test pretty easily, perhaps even without trying to!