The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina have firmly established Sabrina as one of the most powerful magic users in television. As the daughter of Lucifer himself, she contains dark magic unlike any other; except her own father of course. She’s been able to use that to defeat many foes.

While Sabrina is still developing her gifts and learning, she’s on to great things. It’s interesting to see how she’d fare against some of the mightiest wizards of the movie world. Here’s 5 film wizards she’d overcome and 5 that we believe could beat her.


Gandalf is one of the most well-respected wizards to have ever cast a spell on screen. He’s also one of the most famous due to his incredible talents and extreme amounts of power. Even as Gandalf the Grey he was a force to be reckoned with.

Gandalf the White however, has stared into the face of pure evil and overcome it. He’s seen conflict that Sabrina couldn’t even dream of. His superior experience and skill would absolutely have Sabrina beaten in battle.


One movie wizard that Sabrina would have a chance against is the chosen one himself, Harry Potter. The future Auror is certainly a talented magic wielder but a lot of his victories have come due to pure luck. In many instances he’s won the day due to outside factors.

If Potter had his support network around him then he’d probably be able to best Sabrina. However, the teenage witch is far more naturally powerful than Harry Potter and would likely be able to defeat him in most scenarios.


There is one other wizard far more powerful than Harry Potter though and perhaps even stronger that Voldemort himself in his prime. Albus Dumbledore is the user of the elder wand and possesses an infinite amount of abilities and skill.

His experience is almost outmatched and most of the time he makes his magic look effortless. Sabrina is still finding her feet and couldn’t tackle an obstacle like Dumbledore, at least not right now. Perhaps his age would slow him down however.


Speaking of sorcerers, there’s one magic wielder who isn’t as talented as he may think he is. Jafar believes himself to be one of the most powerful magic users in the universe. As a warlock he tries to take over as king before being beaten by mere mortals.

While he is sly and cunning, his magical abilities are nothing compared to that of Sabrina. What’s more, they both probably pull their power from the same dark place; if they were to ever meet it would be clear who has the better control over it.


While we’ve seen two other people from the wizarding world, it’s safe to assume that Voldemort could absolutely best Sabrina in open combat. Not only does he have a deeper set of experiences, but he’s also nearly invincible.

What’s more, he seems to draw from darker magic than she could possibly ever imagine. He is the Dark Lord himself and we wonder whether Voldemort would actually be able to take Lucifer himself if the scenario was right.


Willow has a lot of heart and guts but to be honest, he simply doesn’t have what it takes to face off against such dark magic. Sure he possesses some impressive abilities, but he’s perhaps too young to capitalize on Sabrina’s weaknesses.

The other wizards on this list who can beat her have faced off against significantly more powerful odds. Sadly for Willow, Sabrina might actually be the most powerful force he has ever reckoned with.


The sorcerer supreme is a difficult man to beat. Not only has he forced cosmically evil threats like Dormammu, he’s even helped save the universe from Thanos himself. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that Sabrina would be no match for him.

He’s faced dark magic before, but Doctor Strange has had years to prepare for another threat like this. Quite frankly his power scale is unlike anything else we’ve seen, so we don’t think Sabrina’s magic would be able to cope with his skills.


Oz the great and powerful isn’t really a wizard or magician at all. Sure there’s examples of the character where he can use a bit of magic but mostly Oz utilizes illusion and manipulation in order to pretend he’s extremely well versed in the magical world.

Sabrina is able to use real magic so this isn’t a contest at all. The one thing that Oz is good at is manipulating his own people to turn against someone like Sabrina. Even so, the likes of the Wicked Witch of the West could stand against these forces.


There have been a number of variations of Merlin yet all of them are portrayed as one of the most capable wizards to ever live (except perhaps the Disney iteration that’s much more slapstick than anything else).

Merlin has also faced a lot of dark magic in his prime and his arch-nemesis Morgana Le Fey would pull on similar abilities that Sabrina actually does. We imagine therefore that she would fall to his superior spell casting.


It seems obvious to suggest, but the Mickey Mouse who has served under Merlin as a sorcerer’s apprentice would not be able to beat Sabrina in any kind of combat. Sure Mickey has seen his fair share of battle, fighting nobodies and Pete.

But Mickey isn’t exactly gifted in the art of magic. Apart from failing miserably to enchant some broomsticks, he’s showcased very little sorcery and certainly hasn’t practiced as much as Sabrina has with her gifts.