1. Hiren’s Boot CD

Hiren BootCD is a well-known Linux-based rescue disc. It is appropriately labeled as “a first aid kit for your computer.” It includes, among other things, defragging tools, driver tools, backup tools, antivirus and anti-malware tools, rootkit detection tools, secure data wiping tools, and partitioning tools. It also has other essential applications, such as the ability to re-flash your system’s BIOS, wipe your CMOS, and clean away temporary files and directories. You can also safely remove data or backup your data to another drive, repair damaged partitions, and inspect your system for hardware issues. It is capable of much more than I have mentioned, and it should be the top item on your list when looking for a rescue system. Hiren Boot CD can be downloaded as an ISO file for easy installation to a USB drive or burning to a CD.

2. Rescatux

Rescatux is a Linux-based distribution that is designed to troubleshoot issues with both Linux and Windows. It is currently in beta, but it appears to be more than adequate to make our list. It includes Rescapp, an app/wizard that gives you access to the tools on the Rescatux CD. You may use Rescapp to do operations like password resets and restoring grub on Linux or the Master Boot Record on Windows. You may also do filesystem diagnostics, repair damaged partitions, and recover deleted files. Don’t be fooled by the beta label; it might be a really important tool to have at your disposal.

3. The Ultimate Boot CD

Ultimate Boot CD is a bootable rescue CD that includes a number of tools that provide you with the functionality and ability to do some extremely useful recovery operations on your computer. The disc is made up of a number of bootable disc images that are all saved on a bootable CD. Boot the CD, then select a disc image, and the system boots from the image, allowing you to run the applications on the disc. Each image includes a unique set of tools and utilities, as well as a unique user interface. You are given a variety of utilities, including data recovery, drive cloning, BIOS management, RAM, and CPU testing tools. It is available in ISO format for download and can be easily written to a USB or CD. Skilled users can do a lot with this tool, but novices should be cautious not to destroy their system beyond repair.

4. Tiny Rescue Kit

The Trinity Rescue Kit is a Linux-based Rescue CD that may be used to recover and repair Windows or Linux devices. You can boot it up by putting it on a USB (or CD). The boot menu offers a range of boot choices that are common to most Linux distributions, allowing you to experiment with various modes if the default does not work for you. When you boot up, you’re presented with a set of tools that allow you to use Winpass to reset lost Windows passwords, backup and restore data, clone drives, alter or recover partitions, and conduct rootkit detection. Avast, Clam AV, and BitDefender are among the antivirus scanners available. The text-based interface should not overwhelm you because it is quite simple to use.

5. System Rescue CD

SystemRescueCD is a very effective tool for fixing Linux systems. It was created with system administrators in mind. It is suitable for troubleshooting both Windows and Linux servers and systems. When you boot up the machine, you’re taken to a console interface, so you should be familiar with it. It includes a number of tools for managing and repairing partitions. You may also backup your data and fix bootloader problems. You can also supply a plethora of antivirus and rootkit detection and removal tools. SystemRescueCD is available for download as an ISO file, which you may use to burn on a CD or build a bootable USB device.


Finally, if you are a system administrator or, like me, are constantly tinkering with your system, having a couple of these rescue kits available can help you a lot. Try them out, and preserve copies on CDs and USB drives for when you need them.​ Give them a go, and keep CDs or USB drives with your favourites available in case something goes wrong.