Symbian CEO, Lee Williams, speaks with GigaOm’s Om Malik – and had some interesting observations on Google and Apple.

Recent analysis forecasts that by 2012 Google Android will be the second most popular smartphone OS, behind Symbian, the operating system that powers most of Nokia’s high-end phones. According to Gartner, Android’s share will be at 18 percent of all smartphones sold globally in 2012, or about 94 million users out of 525 million. Apple seems set to be third, or fourth in the list, slightly behind or slightly in front of Research In Motion, those figures claim. It’s interesting then to hear what the boss of Symbian sees as the real threat. Some interesting observations from Williams: – If Google isn’t evil why is evil mentioned in its mission statement? – Symbian is working to get its OS into handsets from a wider field of manufacturers, particularly in that future smartphone battle-ground, China. – Work continues to get Symbian involved in online content in some way.